One of Europes ONLY dual racecourses, racing both horses & greyhounds


Thinking of a way of raising money for your school, club, charity or organisation which will also provide a great night’s entertainment? 

Then look no further; Dundalk Stadium endeavours to help you do both!

Previous fundraising events have raised between €10,000 and €100,00 with an average of €20,000.

Call today to make an appointment with our sales and marketing executive; Ms Jean Clerkin and let her detail the potential benefits for your organisation and how the evening can be best organised to your suit your needs.+353 (0) 42 933 4438 ext. 5 |

Fundraising (Horses)

Fundraising on a horse race night will normally consist of 7 races with up to 14 horses running in each. 

At a glance:

Race sponsorship – find businesses to sponsor races on your benefit night

Admission tickets – sell admission tickets for the night at a premium

Restaurant – sell restaurant space at a premium

Programme advertising – sell advertising space

Raffle – sell raffle tickets for sponsored prizes

Fundraising (Greyhounds)

Fundraising on a greyhound race night will normally consist of 11 races with 6 dogs running in each.

At a glance:

Race sponsorship – find businesses to sponsor races on your benefit night

1 race sponsorship – sponsor one race; a bumper benefit

Admission tickets – sell admission tickets for the night at a premium

Restaurant – sell restaurant space at a premium

Programme advertising – sell advertising space

Raffle – sell raffle tickets for sponsored prizes

Fundraising Brochure