One of Europes ONLY dual racecourses, racing both horses & greyhounds

The Story Of Dundalk Stadium Book

Book: The Story of Dundalk St Written by John Kirwan & Joe Carroll. 

The story of Dundalkadium. A celebration of Racing at Dundalk since 1889. Stadium celebrates the coming together of Dundalk’s two great racing traditions: horse racing which has taken place at Dowdallshill since 1889 and greyhound racing which, after almost seventy years in it’s former home at The Ramparts, is now thriving in one of the country’s finest facilities at Dundalk Stadium. 

The book can be purchased for only €20 and makes for a wonderful gift for all racing enthusiasts.

Dundalk Stadium ‘overjoyed’ with success of ‘The Story of Dundalk Stadium’ Book Launch

Book: The Story Of Dundalk Stadium

Lavishly illustrated and packed with interesting interviews, recollections and fascinating facts, the book traces the history of racing at Dundalk since the mid-nineteenth century, featuring may of the owners, trainers, jockeys, punters, bookmakers and staff who have graced the tracks at Dowdallshill and The Ramparts down the years.

Compiled by horse-racing expert John Kirwan and renowned sports journalist Joe Carroll, The Story of Dundalk Stadium includes statistics of prestigious horse and greyhound races, with a detailed account of horse racing at Dowdallshil from 1960 to 2001 and a nostalgic look-back on the famous races once old at Mullacurry.