One of Europes ONLY dual racecourses, racing both horses & greyhounds

Dundalk Stadium Celebrates 20th Anniversary
Join us in celebrating our BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday 29th November 2023

Dundalk Stadium celebrates 20th Anniversary on
Wednesday 29th November 2023.


Dundalk Stadium; Ireland's ONLY All Weather & Dual Purpose Racecourse, Is Proud To Be Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary As A Landmark On The Aptly Named Racecourse Road In Dundalk, Co. Louth

This staple county venue opened its doors for the first time as a combined horse & greyhound company on 29th November 2003; with board members from both HRI (Horse Racing Ireland) & GRI (Greyhound Racing Ireland; formally known as IGB) along with member from the previous Dundalk Horse Track on the same site & Dowdallshill Greyhound Track originally on The Ramparts in Dundalk town aiding its efforts.
The 20th anniversary is a momentous achievement and as such; a night of celebrations will take place  on Wednesday 29th November 2023; exactly 20 years on from the opening day.  
FREE ADMISSION will be extended to all who have crossed paths with the track since then 
& The View Restaurant will have a reduced rate available for dining.
To book; please visit and use the following discount codes:
‘20years’ – For your FREE ADMISSION TICKET
‘10off’ – FOR €10 OFF The View Restaurant dining package
Horse racing will commence from approx. 3.20pm with a commemorative greyhound card following from approx. 7.30pm.
Spot prizes & giveaways will also take place as we celebrate our 20th anniversary – so be sure to join us!



Dundalk Stadium, Every Friday, Every Saturday

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